Dennis Chambers, Bir li Lagr ne and Dominique Di Piazza – Wait for the Lord
Voice Messengers feat. Jesper Holm, Jean-Loup Longnon, Patricia Ouvrard, Glenn Ferris, Pape Dieye, J r me Barde, David Neerman, Fran ois Laudet, Philippe Soirat, Gilles Naturel, Vincent Puech, Am lie Payen
A la lumi re du jour
Voice Messengers feat. Jesper Holm, Jean-Loup Longnon, Patricia Ouvrard, Glenn Ferris, Pape Dieye, J r me Barde, David Neerman, Fran ois Laudet, Philippe Soirat, Gilles Naturel, Vincent Puech, Am lie Payen
When the Night Turns into Day