House of Death
Vil m P ibyl, Jaroslav Sou ek, Viktor Ko , Czech Philharmonic, Prague Philharmonic Choir, V clav Neumann, Josef Veselka
From the House of the Death, ., Act III You, Said Filka (Filka Morozov /Luka Kuzmi /, i kov, erevin)
V clav Bedn , Helena Tattermuschov , Beno Blachut, Anton n Votava, Josef Heriban, Prague National Theatre Orchestra, Bohumil Gregor
From the House of the Death, ., Act III Jesus, the Prophet of God (Alexandr Petrovi Gorjan ikov, Aljeja, mlad Tatar, Filka Morozov, v trestnici pod jm nem Luka Kuzmi , Sta i k v ze , ekunov)
Milada Jirglov , Vil m P ibyl, Beno Blachut, Jaroslav Sou ek, Czech Philharmonic, Prague Philharmonic Choir, V clav Neumann, Josef Veselka
From the House of the Death, ., Act III And I Followed Her to the Room (Aljeja, mlad Tatar, Filka Morozov /Luka Kuzmi /, sta i k veze , i kov)
Richard Nov k, Milada Jirglov , Czech Philharmonic, Prague Philharmonic Choir, V clav Neumann, Josef Veselka
From the House of the Death, ., Act II My Dear, Dear Alieia (A.P.Gorjan ikov, Aljeja, mlad Tatar)
Richard Nov k, Milada Jirglov , Vil m P ibyl, Beno Blachut, Jind ich Jindr k, Czech Philharmonic, V clav Neumann
From the House of the Death, ., Act III Jesus, the Prophet of God (A.P.Gorjan ikov, Aljeja, mlad Tatar, Filka Morozov /Luka Kuzmi /, sta i k veze , ekunov)
Karel Pr a, Milan Karp ek, Czech Philharmonic, Prague Philharmonic Choir, V clav Neumann, Josef Veselka
From the House of the Death, ., Act II The Play about Kedril and Don Juan (v ze , hr. Dona Juana a Brahm na, Kedril, apkin)
Vil m P ibyl, Ivo dek, Karel Pr a, Milan Karp ek, Czech Philharmonic, Prague Philharmonic Choir, V clav Neumann, Josef Veselka
From the House of the Death, ., Act II A Day Passes, Two, Three (Filka Morozov /Luka Kuzmi /, Skuratov, v ze , hr. Dona Juana a Brahm na, Kedril, apkin)
Beno Blachut, Anton n Votava, P emysl Ko , Rudolf Von sek, Prague National Theatre Orchestra, Bohumil Gregor
From the House of the Death, ., Act III Ah, My Dear Children (Filka Morozov, v trestnici pod jm nem Luka Kuzmi , Sta i k v ze , i kov, erevin)
Richard Nov k, Milada Jirglov , Jarom r B lor, Czech Philharmonic, Prague Philharmonic Choir, V clav Neumann, Josef Veselka
From the House of the Death, ., Act III You Are My Father (A.P.Gorjan ikov, Aljeja, mlad Tatar, str )
Richard Nov k, Milada Jirglov , Czech Philharmonic, Prague Philharmonic Choir, V clav Neumann, Josef Veselka
From the House of the Death, ., Act III Freedom, Freedom, Freedom... Finale (A.P.Gorjan ikov, Aljeja, mlad Tatar)
Richard Nov k, Milada Jirglov , Vil m P ibyl, Beno Blachut, Miroslav vejda, Alena M kov , Czech Philharmonic, Prague Philharmonic Choir, V clav Neumann, Josef Veselka
From the House of the Death, ., Act II Nice Plays, Weren t They (A.P.Gorjan ikov, Aljeja, mlad Tatar, Filka Morozov /Luka Kuzmi /, sta i k veze , mlad v ze , hlas za jevi t m, pob hlice)
Karel Berman, Jaroslav Hor ek, Beno Blachut, Jarom r B lor, Czech Philharmonic, Prague Philharmonic Choir, V clav Neumann, Josef Veselka
From the House of the Death, ., Act I Wretched Creature It Resists (mal v ze , Placmajor, sta i k veze , str )
Richard Nov k, Jaroslav Hor ek, Ji Hole a, Czech Philharmonic, Prague Philharmonic Choir, V clav Neumann, Josef Veselka
From the House of the Death, ., Act III Petrovich, I Have Offended You (A.P.Gorjan ikov, Placmajor, kov )
Milada Jirglov , Beno Blachut, Jaroslav Sou ek, Viktor Ko , Czech Philharmonic, Prague Philharmonic Choir, V clav Neumann, Josef Veselka
From the House of the Death, ., Act III The Next Day, Drunk as a Sod (Aljeja, mlad Tatar, sta i k veze , i kov, erevin)
Vil m P ibyl, Ivo dek, Czech Philharmonic, Prague Philharmonic Choir, V clav Neumann, Josef Veselka
From the House of the Death, ., Act I I, a Maiden, Went to a Fete (Filka Morozov /Luka Kuzmi /, Skuratov)