LUKAS – Prophet
V clav Bedn , Helena Tattermuschov , Beno Blachut, Anton n Votava, Josef Heriban, Prague National Theatre Orchestra, Bohumil Gregor
From the House of the Death, ., Act III Jesus, the Prophet of God (Alexandr Petrovi Gorjan ikov, Aljeja, mlad Tatar, Filka Morozov, v trestnici pod jm nem Luka Kuzmi , Sta i k v ze , ekunov)
Richard Nov k, Milada Jirglov , Vil m P ibyl, Beno Blachut, Jind ich Jindr k, Czech Philharmonic, V clav Neumann
From the House of the Death, ., Act III Jesus, the Prophet of God (A.P.Gorjan ikov, Aljeja, mlad Tatar, Filka Morozov /Luka Kuzmi /, sta i k veze , ekunov)