Sander Van Doorn Vandalism and Angeger – Chasin she got it (DJ Beloff Mash up 2013 )
Marc Minkowski feat. Ditte Andersen, Lenneke Ruiten, Delphine Galou, David Hansen, Colin Balzer, Valerio Contaldo, Christian Immler, Felix Speer
Bach, JS St John Passion, BWV 245, Pt. 2 No. 28, Choral. Er nahm alles wohl in Acht
Gabriele Schnaut, Karin Goltz, Ruth Falcon, Susan Marie Pierson, Michele Crider, Katherine Ciesinski, Susan Shafer, Penelope Walker, Sandra Walker, The Cleveland Orchestra, Christoph von Dohn nyi
Wagner Die Walk re, WWV 86B / Act 3 - Sch tzt mich und helft in h chster Not