Tod Machover – VI. Declaration Of The Mighty Angels Omnes sunt administratori spiritus
London Symphony Orchestra, Norman Del Mar, Trevor Anthony, Carolyn Maia, John Ford, Ronald Lewis, Jess Walters, Janet Howe, Richard Golding, Elaine Malbin, Roy Patrick, William Lyon-Brown
Tobias and the Angel, Act 1, Scene IV Raguel warns Tobias of an evil spirit possessing Sara Now drink, young man
Anonymous, Constantin Silvestri, Nicolae Alexandrescu, Mihai Teodorescu, Pavel Tornea, Constantin Ungureanu, Constantin Cern ianu, Constantin Iliu , Emil B clea, Gheorghe Popa, Ion B d noiu, Paul Staicu
Decet for winds in D major op. 14 (Moderement- Allegrement mais pas trop vif)