Joyce DiDonato, Patrick Summers, Houston Grand Opera Orchestra feat. Beau Gibson, Boris Dyakov, Bradley Blunt, Carey Michael O Rarden, Cheryl Parrish, Hector V squez, James Jennings, John Packard, Jon Kolbet, Leslie Biffle, Michael Sumuel, Philip Cutlip, Rahki DeShon Marcelous, Susanne Mentzer, Wesley Landry
Heggie Dead Man Walking, Act 2 Dead Man Walking - Our Father (Warden, Father Grenville, Joseph, Sister Helen, Kitty and Owen Hart, Jade and Howard Boucher, Guards, Inmates) Live
SixteenInMono, TeraCMusic, InsaneInTheRainMusic, Johnathan Young, ToxicxEternity, String Player Gamer, RichaadEB, Nick Nitro, Toby Fox, PianoPrinceOfAnime, Kamex, Holder, Vigil Serus, IKARUS
Heaven-Rock Collaboration Undertale MEDLEY Pacifist x Genocide ( BONUS) (edited by BaleShtyer)