dream janitor – 14 15 2 15 4 25 11 14 15 23 19
Resonance Hub
HOME - Resonance but it s the permutation 1,35,5,39,9,43,13,47,17,51,21,55,25,59,29,63,33,3,37,7,41,11,45,15,49,19,53,23,57,27,61,31
Resonance Hub
HOME - Resonance but it s the permutation 1,35,5,39,9,43,13,47,17,51,21,55,25,59,29,63,33,3,37,7,41,11,45,15,49,19,53,23,57,27,61,31
Conlon Nancarrow
Studies for Player Piano Vol. 3 (Nr. 1, 2a, 2b, 7, 8, 10, 15, 21, 23, 24, 25, 33, 43, 50)