Stealth Elf
Full Description on FutureGarage.NET Follow FutureGarage.NET https // https // SC http // Follow Harry Whipp https // https // http // SC https // Follow us www.FutureGarage.NET Send all demos to Dropbox FutureGarage.NET to have your track featured Sounds like Artful, MJ Cole, Burial, Disclosure, Tuff Culture, xxxy, Whistla, James Blake, Mr Beeb, Whyrez, L.S, Totte, Bondax, Ollie Macfarlane, Mitekiss, Khan Kurra, EPLP, Lunova Labs, GhostChant, DubRocca, VVV, Sorrow, CoMa, Kastle, Volor Flex, Woz, Stealth Elf, DrDr, Gorgon City, Ramadanman, Synkro, Detz, Crypt